Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Prospectus and Roll Up

So I was just walking around college, on my way to the printer and I spotted a big roll up, advertsing our course and as I got a bit closer I noticed, theres only a big picture of one of my pieces of work from first year on it ! I then opened the new prospectus and found it in there too ! Amazing ...

My imagery in the CCAD prospectus (top right)
CCAD prospectus

Roll up with my imagery on it  top right) ! 

Thursday, 18 October 2012

Laser Cutting

Today we had a workshop on Laser Cutting .... Wow how cool is it ?!! Watched it in motion and it's so cool ! Making me think of all the things I can do with it within my project... Can't Wait to try it out !

artist tattoo scott campbell laser cut dollar bills
Laser Cut Dollar Bill by Scott Campbell

Here's an example of how fine and beautiful laser cutting can be ! This one's been done by tatooist Scott Campbell, some of his work was seen on the Channel Four tv programme, Four Rooms.

Friday, 12 October 2012

Inspiration for 'Industrial Flora'

Image sourced from Dazed and Confused
Image sourced from Dazed and Confused

Image sourced from Dazed and Confused
Image sourced from Dazed and Confused
Image sourced from Dazed and Confused

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Uni Update... I've been sponsored !!

So since my last blog update - quite a bit has happened, my bay at uni is up and full of inspirational images, ready to inspire me for my minor project named 'Industrial Flora' . My theme is based upon fusing two unlikely elements together, fusing industrial imagery such as pylons and steel work with soft, natural floral imagery. I'm well on the way with development now and can't wait to start experimenting with embroidery on top of some digital print designs, i'll post some pictures once i'm away with it !

And the other big news.... I've been sponsored ! The first week at back at uni, I received a letter from Madeira Threads saying that they were willing to sponsor me for my final year. How great is that ! I can't wait to start shopping and gathering some threads from them for my major project. 

Check out their website they do some gorgeous things